i'm not catholic. there will be no ash on my forehead tomorrow. but... tomorrow marks the first day of lent, and i will do my part in becoming a better me.
or something.
40 days and 40 nights without something? this is a toughy.
what i might quite possibly give up:
the eff bomb. who knew a four letter word could be so tacky? on one hand, this means that i'm on my road to being a real lady sooner than i thought. but on the other hand, this means i must remove if you seek amy and all lil wayne songs from my ipod for the next 40 days to avoid any tempation to sing along.
diet coke. i drink way too much of the stuff. however if i do give it up, i think i'd just turn to real coca cola, and the thought of wasting calories kills me.
kissing. ...yeah right!
ruthless spending. but that's no fun.
texting. ehhh no. i really like texting, and it's harmless. my sister thinks it's stupid and calls it sexting, but she's wrong so wrong. oh plus i get unlimited so that would just be a waste.
perez hilton, tanning, and gossiping. okay now i'm just being ridiculous!
being such a bad friend. i need to pick up the phone more.
being such a bad sister. i need to come home more often.
i'll let you know what i decide!
happy fat tuesday bitches,