did y'all SEE the hills finale last night? o. m. g. okay, i'll admit that i'm not as avid a hills fan as i once was for a number of different reasons. for instance, heidi's face was clearly attacked by cosmetic sugery, and honestly, it's a little difficult to look at for 30 whole minutes. and while we're discussing looks.. audrina. audrina the space cadet. what is up with those eyes?! justin bobby.. ew. spencer pratt.. EW. that beard should go. and sister stephanie looked like a hag last night. literally, like some sort of witch. and at her own brother's almost wedding! ruuude. and lauren.. lauren lauren lauren. where do i begin? lauren's really pretty. she's also really clingy, whiney, bratty, and annoying. no wonder she loses all of her friends. okay, that's rude to say, but i've never liked her. even on laguna beach, i was team kristin all the way. i thought i liked lo, but she ended up being like overly bitchy. there's a point where it gets to be too much, and she passed it a long time ago. the only person i like is whitney, even though she too is missing a few screws. at least she can dress! by the way, i miss jason wahler. bring him back, mtv. he's so freaking fine.
but i digress..
last night, lauren and heidi hugged and almost made up but not quite. how touching. and heidi almost made the biggest mistake of her life by eloping with spencer eventhough her mom asked her not to.. but not quite. dear old she-pratt stepped in, explained to spencer that heidi's family should be at the most important day of her life, spencer looked like a hero, and heidi cried. how touching. oh and justin bobby, who showers every other episode, gave audrina the flimsiest little ring for reasons that were almost shared with us.. but not quite. how touching!
all in all, two thumbs up. can't wait for next season! can't wait for more REALity!
i want to forgive you, and i want to forget you,